Oct 24, 2013
In this episode Joe McCulloch and Chris Mautner discuss the career of on Jim Woodring, with an extra-special focus on his latest graphic novel, Fran. Lots of references are made to Halloween also, because apparently it's October already as if you needed another reminder that time is constantly slipping away. Then at the...
Oct 22, 2013
On this delayed episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell, you can hear Joe, Tucker and Matt discuss Sex Criminals and Judge Dredd's Day of Chaos. Until the audio goes out, and then you can hear Tucker talk to his wife, and then there's a monologue by Matt. It's the best thing ever, basically.
Oct 3, 2013
It's sequential cartooning, comics, words and lines. But is manga comics? Let Joe, Chris and Matt handle the big question of what to do with these imported excitements.