Jan 31, 2014
On this episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell, Joe McCulloch, Chris Mautner and Matt Seneca discuss the Rube Goldberg collection coming from Abrams and Mould Map 3, recently released after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Is that all? Oh no, that's not all. There's a lot of talking here.
Jan 24, 2014
On this episode, the boys embrace the controversy, by talking about Alan Moore, Miracleman, and then Batman, becuase whateva, Batman4LIFE
Jan 17, 2014
Continuing our discussion from last week (sorta), Tucker, Joe and Chris delve into a discussion of books that lots of other people liked a whole but they were kind of meh about. Or at least not as enthused as all these alleged other people, whomever they might be. At some point they also start talking about the Star...
Jan 11, 2014
Prior to the conclusion of the year, Tucker, Joe and Chris got together so that Tucker could bitch and moan and Chris could point out that he's a real jerk and Joe kept just unleashing pure comic gold. Then they listened to Chris talk about Boxers and Saints for like 30 full years.