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Comic Books Are Burning In Hell

Jan 29, 2021

It's that time again: back issue time, when the boys go digging into the boxes of old. This time, it's to take a look at a comic that Matt Seneca has been making a case for as of late: the last ten issues of DC's Tomahawk, drawn by Frank Thorne. We're all in on this one, even when things get contentious, and even more...

Jan 13, 2021

This week, we're spotlighting the late Richard Corben, the great Richard Corben. We don't all walk in with the same take, but by the close, we reach the kind of war torn climax a Corben character often finds: a grudging, earned moment of quiet spent looking across a blasted landscape. Except here, the landscape is of...

Jan 9, 2021

Happy New Year, you dirty scumbags, you shiny bottleneckers, you comic book naildrivers: it's time to look back at the comics that came out in the last year where you might have been able to keep from getting your hands dirty. We've got ten comics to yank our entrails about, and the whole gang is in the building. It's...