Dec 20, 2013
Everybody got in the boat for this one, a needlessly overstructured barking of The Best In Comics, circa 2013. Come one, come all!
Dec 13, 2013
Jack Thomas Chick is the writer and/or artist of several thousands of pages of comics. Of course, it is a product of extraordinary privilege to address, with such capriciousness, works that have contributed so much to the disruption and rancor haunting the burdens of so many lives. It is 5 o’clock in the morning....
Dec 7, 2013
On this episode, Chris, Joe and Matt salute Picturebox, one of the show's longtime favorite topics, in a bittersweet celebration of that soon-to-be-shuttered house.
Nov 21, 2013
Joe, Chris and Matt talk about their purchases from the recent Comic Arts Brooklyn show.